Best Treatments for Sensitive Teeth in Brampton

Treatments for Sensitive Teeth

What Are the Best Treatments for Sensitive Teeth in Brampton?

When you have sensitive teeth, activities like eating, drinking, and brushing can cause temporary but chronic mouth pain. Sensitive teeth are the result of exposed roots or worn enamel. This sensitivity can also be the result of cavities, chipped or cracked teeth, gum ailments or worn fillings.

In this post, we discuss the treatments recommended for sensitive teeth care by dentists in Brampton, Ontario.

Let’s get started.

Sensitive Teeth Care Treatments Recommended by Brampton Dentists

If you are troubled by sensitive teeth, your best option is to visit a trusted dental office immediately. They can help you identify the underlying causes of this issue and treat them. Based on your specific circumstance, your dentist may recommend the following.

Make Use of Fluoride

Your dentist may apply fluoride to your sensitive teeth to strengthen tooth enamel and decrease chronic pain. They may also recommend the application of fluoride at home via a custom tray.

Use Desensitizing Toothpaste 

Desensitizing toothpaste can help prevent pain related to sensitive teeth. There are multiple over-the-counter types available. So, ask your dentist which will work for you.

Bonding or Desensitizing 

Exposed root surfaces may be treated by applying bonding resin to your sensitive teeth’s root surface. Local anaesthesia is often required.

Surgical Gum Grafting 

If the tooth root has lost gum tissue, a small amount of tissue from the gum can be extracted from elsewhere in the mouth and attached to the affected area. This may help to protect exposed tooth roots and decrease sensitivity.

Root Canal Therapy

If sensitive teeth are causing you acute pain and other treatments are not effective, your dentist may suggest a root canal. This includes removing the infected or inflamed pulp from the tooth. Then the inside of the tooth is properly disinfected, cleaned, filled and sealed.

What Are the Best Ways to Prevent Tooth Sensitivity? 

You may get rid of tooth sensitivity by following proper oral hygiene and eating habits:

  • Do not brush your teeth rigorously or use a toothbrush with hard bristles.
  • Brush twice every day with fluoride toothpaste using a toothbrush with medium to soft bristles and a tiny head.
  • Use inter-dental cleaner or floss at least once a day.
  • Restrict the consumption of acidic beverages and foods.
  • Drink a lot of water.
  • Consume fruits or vegetables instead of processed or sugary foods.
  • Use one straw when drinking acidic or sugary beverages in order to reduce contact with the teeth. Also, avoid holding this beverage in the mouth or swishing it.
  • Chew only sugar-free gum after eating a meal.
  • Use a premium night guard if you have a problem of teeth grinding.
  • Visit a dentist for regular dental examinations.
  • Avoid consuming acidic or sugary beverages or snacks after brushing your teeth before bed.

Use this guide suggested by dentists in Brampton to treat sensitive teeth. Proper dental hygiene and desensitizing toothpaste are just a couple of ways to address this important dental issue. But chronic teeth sensitivity issues caused by cracked teeth or cavities may require more complex treatment. For tooth sensitivity or toothache treatment in Brampton, consult a leading dental clinic.

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